
ArtLove| "That little girl was me" by Bria Goeller

L'artista Bria Goeller ha realizzato un'immagine che raffigura la prima donna vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti, Kamala Harris, e l'ombra di una bambina, creata usando un ritratto di Ruby Bridges, oggi un'attivista americana per i diritti civili.

That little girl was me" by Bria Goeller
fonte immagine

Ruby era quella bambina di sei anni, dipinta da Norman Rockwell, raffigurata mentre veniva scortata a scuola da robusti marescialli statunitensi: era la prima studentessa nera alla William Frantz Elementary School di New Orleans il 14 novembre 1960.

That little girl was me" by Bria Goeller
l'opera di Norma Rockwell - fonte immagine
A quel tempo, le scuole e tutte le altre istituzioni e strutture pubbliche erano segregate per i neri, e Ruby era stata una tra i sei studenti neri a superare un test per ottenere l'ammissione alla scuola frequentata solo da bianchi, all'età di sei anni.

foto storica dell'evento - fonte immagine

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"That little girl was me." -@kamalaharris This is the latest design I've been working on. And because he said it best, here's the letter Gordon, owner of WTF America (Good Trubble), sent to Kamala's family while we got the go-ahead and copyrights: Dear Senator Harris, In honor and celebration of you, we are highlighting how your journey speaks to a harkening of the country’s past transgressions and how you built upon that history and moved forward with your accomplishments. With the egregious acts of yesteryear, we remember those that forged a path for you and have watched those that have walked with you on your personal journey from the District Attorney of San Francisco, California’s State Attorney General, and being elected as United States Senator. We are waiting anxiously for your trajectory to the White House via your election as the Vice President of the United States of America. This deference is a direct response for all that you have done for not only the community but for all of us in America. This is a country built on the intelligence, hard physical labor and resilient efforts of all Americans. It has not gone unnoticed how your argument for rights translates to hope for an enlightened and better future for everyone. Because you are a beacon of strength, we want to ensure that our core audience realizes how powerful you are. You, Senator Harris, are the epitome of both the struggle of yesteryear and optimism for advancements of today and tomorrow. History shows how people of color and women have had to fight for a seat at the table. However, you not only have a prominent seat but are moving the needle ahead to expand the invitees. Yet this has not been because of your culture, race or gender but instead due to your concerted efforts to be a true public servant. We thank you for your service and fully support your journey. Warmest and Best Regards, WTF America and Bria Goeller These designs are live and available for purchase on - link in @goodtrubble's bio. #blm #blacklivesmatter #vote #bidenharris2020

Un post condiviso da Bria Goeller (@briagoeller) in data:

Fonte:La Storia tra Arte, Miti e Leggende

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